sensors and other devices at the edge to ingest data in real-time using formally verified data ingestion software, with provable reliability and security guarantees.
data using two layers of quantum-safe encryption, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of operational data.
mission-critical data to the users and applications that need it in a secure, peer-to-peer network.
Zero trust architecture built with memory safe programming languages and core components proven using formal methods to have no runtime errors.
Data-centric encryption ensures all data is accessed on a need to know basis, including by system administrators.
Incrementally replace patchwork of connectivity and security systems and expand options for data sharing by securely connecting disparate and isolated systems.
Data is streamed peer-to-peer and securely relayed through neighbouring peers when needed to adjust to network partitions for a more resilient network.
Leverage all the data available in the network, with fine-grained access controls and without compromising security.